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Resilience and Post-Disaster Recovery: Key Résilience et Recouvrement Post-Catastrophe / Concepts, Challenges, and Opportunities

“The Oecumene Spaces For Dignity project’s ‘Engumba Makasi’ aims to enhance the resilience of Kinshasa’s local communities against floods through innovative, co-constructed, and co-produced solutions.” / “Le projet ‘Engumba Makasi’ d’Oecumene Spaces For Dignity vise à renforcer la résilience des communautés locales de Kinshasa face aux inondations grâce à des solutions innovantes, coconstruites et coproduites.”

Resilience Planning for Flood Disasters in Kinshasa, Congo /  Planification de la résilience face aux inondations à Kinshasa, Congo Resilience Planning for Flood Disasters in Kinshasa, Congo /  

“The Oecumene Spaces For Dignity project’s ‘Engumba Makasi’ aims to enhance the resilience of Kinshasa’s local communities against floods through innovative, co-constructed, and co-produced solutions.” / “Le projet ‘Engumba Makasi’ d’Oecumene Spaces For Dignity vise à renforcer la résilience des communautés locales de Kinshasa face aux inondations grâce à des solutions innovantes, coconstruites et coproduites.”

Un Continuum de Temps et d’Espace : Conception Communautaire des Systèmes de Collecte des Eaux de Ruissellement à Chenini, Tataouine

Puiser dans la sagesse ancienne pour une durabilité moderne : L’histoire de Chenini

Au cœur du sud de la Tunisie se trouve Chenini, un village qui témoigne de l’ingéniosité et de la résilience humaines face à des climats difficiles. Cette région, connue pour ses paysages arides et ses ressources en eau limitées, abrite depuis des siècles un remarquable système de collecte des eaux appelé “Jessour”. Ces systèmes anciens, construits uniquement à partir de matériaux locaux et de savoir-faire traditionnel, ont non seulement permis aux communautés de prospérer dans des conditions désertiques mais ont aussi préservé l’équilibre écologique délicat de la région.

Alors que les défis modernes tels que le changement climatique et l’urbanisation s’intensifient, la sagesse inscrite dans les pratiques de collecte des eaux de Chenini offre des leçons inestimables pour un mode de vie durable.

Cet article est une traduction d’un article en anglais publié sur

TPSSMSP: Tataouine Public Space Social Media Sensing Platform

Social media sensing has been widely employed in business, social sciences, and it is now being expanded to disciplines concerned with the built environment. In TPSSMSP, Oecumene Spaces For Dignity method is used to investigate local community opinions on public spaces and public space initiatives in Tataouine, Tunisia.

Nudging Limitations – ArchitectureForChange is Back 2020

‘Nudging Limitations’ Series of talks will be looking to understand how different and mostly multi-layered limitations drive change that (re)structure the built-environment, and extend to (re)wire the societal behaviour and influence policies? How does nudging old and new (imagined) fixities of limitations through spatial practices allow meanings to (re)emerge within them?

Lelkol Incubation of Placemaking Projects with PlacemakingMena Platform

Lelkol is an online incubation Workshop for Placemaking projects in MENA. In partnership with Placemaking MENAmena, and PLACEMAKINGMENAPlatform, Œcumene Studio will be offering their expertise and support to help implementing 5 placemaking projects in Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Lebanon. Projects are initiated by community members, organisations and placemakers. The program is an intensive 8 online workshops sessions. 4 sessions in November 2020 and 4 sessions in January 2021.

Inclusive Heritage Urban Transition – Siwa,Egypt

SIWI Architecture community centre “SIWI ACC” is a local, national and international architecture research and community centre. It will not only be an additional building in SIWA OASIS but will be a concrete example of today’s Siwan architecture using modern and traditional techniques, actual architectural response illustrated by the extension part and a contemporary interpretation of the traditional Siwan architectural through the renovation of the existent part of the building. The centre will provide Egyptian and Siwan architecture with an international showcase, will promote the knowledge and the Siwan architectural heritage, will be a training centre for publics in architecture.

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