Envisioning & Building a Resilient Future
Co-Design / Co-build For Coexistence

The Art of Engineering Human Existence on Earth

Œcumene Spaces For Dignity and Œcumene Studio For Integrated Planning and Sustainable Design serve as an NGO and a Social enterprise. They are a dedicated cooperative founded by passionate individuals from the MENA region. Over the past decade, we have committed to constructing an innovative infrastructure fostering transformative change in Africa and the Middle East. 

At the heart of our philosophy lies a profound belief in the potency of collective intelligence – utilising co-design and co-construction methodologies to rewrite narratives, cultivate spaces for dialogue, empower local communities, and create environments for harmonious coexistence. 

ŒSFD and Œcumene Studio serve as beacons of support for local communities, spatial agents, and development actors. Our focus extends to research, co-design, and co-construction missions, driving a vision where collaboration catalyses meaningful change. We aim through Research-Action and Tailored solutions to enable progress, shaping a future where every space is a testament to dignity, sustainability, and integrated planning.

integrated Urban planning

Community Development

We engage with you in the process of reshaping our commons

Discover our new alliance : Œcumene and Yalla Cooperative

Driving positive change through physical and digital spaces

As our physical and digital environments become ever more intertwined, it is essential we have a holistic approach to build a more sustainable, fairer world. That is why urban design and planning specialists, Œcumene, and digital experts, Yalla, are joining forces in a strategic, interdisciplinary partnership.

Our Latest Video

"Faire La Ville Ensemble " Nefta, Tunisia

Achievements since 2014


Participatory workshops




Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)


Projects, Initiatives and Networks


Public Exhibitions, Symposiums, Masterclasses, lectures



Œcumene Spaces For Dignity is a committed organization founded by enthusiasts from the MENA region and Africa. It has spent the past decade constructing an innovative infrastructure for transformative change. We believe in the power of collective intelligence (co-design and co-construction) in rewriting narratives, creating spaces for dialogue, empowering local communities, and creating spaces for coexistence.
Insaf Ben Othmane hamrouni
Founder & Executive Director

Architecture as
"Legacy to shape coexistence"

oecumene écoumène\ecumene\oikumen

"In Augustin Berque’s opinion, the human milieux did not only reveal the planet or the biosphere, but referred to the Ecumene, i.e. the relationship between humanity and Earthly space. In other words, the Ecumene comprised the human body’s process of extension towards everything external to it: “The Ecumene is our flesh, it is part of our body”(Berque, 1998, p.82)

At Oecumene SpacesForDignity,  we believe that the act of Co-design, the act of  Co-build  are keys to build societies, empower communities and create Space/Place of Coexistence.
People deserve to live in better places where they can raise their families, feel secure, feel empowered.
We foreseen Architecture as a tool to rebond, reconcile, the Human with his 'Milieux': The 'Ecumene'. .

Human in the heart of our practice

Knowledge-Based TERRITORIES

Strategic & Integrated: Participatory and collaborative planning and human centred response


For & By the people:
Co-Design and


Collective intelligence and knowledge based learning : Research, Training and Advisory

Our three milestones

1. Strategic Integrated APPROACH

We are continuously developing strategies for design practices based on our field experiences and on intense collaboration with actors from different fields. In light of the complexity of challenges that face human settlements nowadays, an interdisciplinary approach is a necessity. 

2. sustainable INCLUSIVE solutions

We develop contextualised design solutions founded on creative processes combined with human centred methodologies. Our projects aims to be culturally, environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.  We prioritise environmental performance, and use of local ressources.  

3 . vision - Innovation - Creativity

Expanding the definition of architecture and space practices beyond their narrow image of posh design and elitism. Design is a powerful tool to address today’s challenges of socio-spatial justice, human dignity and empowerment for positive, bigger impact.  

community based projects: Co-existence, empowerment, conflict resolution, dignity


Our partners

thinking outside
the box is our motto

We can support in a variety of fields related to development, participatory urbanism, bottom-up approach: participatory need assessments, moderation, research studies, tailored solutions and tools, advisory, training support, innovative projects and initiatives and training support for all actors and stakeholders: States government non- governmental organizations, private entities and individuals.

we are also

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