It is not once nor twice but times without number that the same ideas make their appearance in the world.

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Siwa has been inhabited since antiquity as attested by numer-ous remains dating from the oldkingdom of ancient Egypt. Duringthe medieval period, this ancientcity suffered greatly from attacksby Berbers and Bedouins. A newfortified village, which would be-come Siwa, was built at the startof the 13th century, still knowntoday as “Shâlî”. The term “Shâlî”had the meaning of “city” in the Berber language of Tasiwit but has now become a proper name.

Siwa Oasis: a Forgotten Heritage Under Threa

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36405.19684 - page 122

Playscape3 – Play + Landscape – is the result of both tangible and intangible items. “Tangible” refers to physical elements, objects, frames and/or structures. Whereas “Intangible” refers to how these physical elements are used, changed, deconstructed and/or experimented (through learning, playing, movement, etc.). The symbiosis of these two spheres is: the space

Placemaking in Arab Cities

Issue: Vol 5 No 1 (2020) / Pages: 277 to 289

Le processus révolutionnaire de 2011 a fourni les conditions nécessaires à l’émergence d’une forme particulière d’activisme ayant pour objet principal le territoire urbain. L’activisme urbain égyptien milite pour l’abandon des instruments de la planification urbaine rationnelle et dénonce les dérives des pratiques gouvernementales et des actions des agences de développement internationales calquées sur celles de l’entreprise privée. En renouant avec les grandes lignes des politiques néolibérales du régime de Moubarak qui ont échoué à résorber la pauvreté urbaine, la politique de grands projets lancée par Sissi remet en question les quelques avancées observées depuis la révolution de 2011 dans le champ de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement du territoire.

Cairo, Rebel City?

Issue: 3 Volume 60 / Pages: 180 to 186

Dari project aims to design and build a safe and child-friendly environment in two Orphanage houses in the district of Shoubra through encouraging the children and the staff to participate within the project process in improving their surrounding environments in which they live and interact. Dari team  co-designed and co-build with the participation of Fine Arts students and playworkers the unique outdoor spaces in these houses: The roofs become spaces to learn, to play and to socialize. Dari is designed and implemented by Oecumene Studio in partnership with Waqe3 Tany for Holistic Development and funded by Sadat Organization for Development and Social Care and the Ministry of Social Solidarity – Egypt  

Dari project - Playspace making  

Insaf Ben Othmane, Layla Zibar, Heba Elhanafy

Cet article remet en perspective l’action aménagiste, tonitruante et tous azimuts de l’actuel gouvernement de l’Égypte dans le temps plus long de la planification territoriale dans ce pays. Or, cette action s’inscrit bien dans la continuité de celle des prédécesseurs du président Sissi. L’article pointe en outre le risque de reproduction des écueils des politiques territoriales passées, c’est-à-dire principalement l’élargissement continu du secteur de l’informalité. Il s’interroge par ailleurs : y a-t-il une « contre-révolution urbaine » en marche ? L’hypothèse est posée en examinant les modalités de lancement de certains grands projets, par le seul plus haut sommet de l’État et sans aucune concertation ni transparence…

De vieilles recettes pour de nouveaux projets d’aménagement en Égypte : une « contre-révolution urbaine » en marche ?

2015/4 (N° 226), p. 11-31.

La majorité des jeunes ne savent même pas de quoi leurs villes sont constituées. Ils ne pensent pas à la façon dont les espaces sont réalisés et produits. Afin que nos villes deviennent plus diversifiées, le domaine de l’espace public urbain doit être inclusif. Ce premier atelier de co-conception à la Medina de Tunis avec bon nombre de partenaires locaux s’insère dans cette logique en offrant l’opportunité à la communauté locale et en particulier les jeunes de penser, concevoir leurs espaces afin de les rendre plus inclusifs. Ce premier atelier, qui a eu lieu entre le 24 Juillet et 11 Août 2017, a été clôturé par une exposition des travaux développés. Le projet est initié par Oecumene Studio, en partenariat avec Collectif Créatif, Le Journal de La Medina de Tunis, ICCOMOS, Dar El Harka, Doolesha, Enauvateur, Association El-Rashidia, soutenus par la municipalité de Tunis, Le Conseil Arabe des Sciences Sociales sous les auspices de SIDA

El-Houma Khir Co-designing inclusive public spaces

Insaf Ben Othmane

This report is about  a participatory design and construct project aiming to benefit the local Syrian and Egyptian community in Gamasa, Egypt as a whole and specifically the users of Gamasa Experimental School. The workshop comprises a series of participatory workshops with the Syrian and Egyptian students of the school as design partners to upgrade Gamasa Schoolyard. The participatory workshops are held with the aim of building and strengthening community ties between students, help in the integration of Syrian students, induce a sense of ownership among the school users and provoke a strong sense of belonging to the school while stimulating their sense of creativity. Physical outputs of the project should include redesign and beautification of the schoolyard and recreational spaces to avoid conflicts between students, increasing vegetation and outdoor shading areas and finally achieving a child proof environment.


Insaf Ben Othmane, Omar Wanas, Roisin Wanas

Child & Community Friendly Spaces developed and implemented by Ecumene Studio funded and supported by UNHCR; The project aims to upgrade the current outdoor space for Terre Des Hommes (TDH) – in participation with the users of the space – by creating a more functional, child friendly, educational and playful installation that fosters children of different age groups and enhances their playing, learning and social experience The team of “Oecumene Studio” seek to achieve the previous through new methods of project management and an innovative methodology that emphasise on: – Giving the children the time and space to just be children – Provide safe spaces where children and youth can play, socialize, learn and express themselves in a supportive environment – Exposing the children to a variety of learning experience – Fostering children’s natural resilience and coping mechanisms – Foster child development – Stimulate creativity. – Enable the re-appropriation of space by the child .

Child & Community Friendly Spaces

Insaf Ben Othmane, Omar Wanas, Roisin Wanas

Architecture for Co-existence Y’AHL el HAY is a community-focused design project supported by UNHCR that entails the development and upgrade of the health centre at first and has been extended to integrate as well the open area surrounding it and the community kindergarten yard through several design interventions that emerged from participatory sessions held with the city council, doctors, nurses, health clinic staff, Local NGO’s, local builders and craftsmen and the population in the vicinity of the clinic including the children. The inclusion in the project has been extended throughout its lifetime through team building and trainings workshops yielding direct feedback of the ongoing work, cohesion among community actors and a stronger sense of ownership of the space.

Y’AHL el HAY: Integrated Project

Insaf Ben Othmane, Omar Wanas

Issue 9 of the journal is dedicated to the notion of public space. The El-Houma Khir project, proposed and coordinated by Ecumene studio and supported by Journal de la Medina, ICOMOS Tunis, Creative Collectif, Doolesha, Dar el Harka and Rachidia, is a series of reflection workshops on public space and Design by providing opportunities for the local community to express themselves and especially young people to think, design their spaces in order to make them more inclusive.

Journal de la Medina IX - El Houma Khir

Archibat Issue 42 - El Houma Khir

Published on Dec 21, 2017

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